Thursday, August 9, 2012

Boa! Boa! Boa!

By Detroit Jack, Phallus Press Writer - Sun. Aug. 9, 2:57 am TT
Photos by Detroit Jack
Boa hugged the creases between the ceiling and the walls, ready to strike the only scent detected through the darkness of night . . . 
Slow random tasting of the pheromone ladened air, the thick silky atmosphere lay heavy in the dew of the late summers touch upon the colored skins of the hidden . . .  
Blinded by survival through a harsh fraught existence, gallantry abounding in a weakened body of being, at the mercy of evolution . . . 
Weary scales of damaged love guarding regenerated vessels of bloodied perfume to be lavished like Spring rain, washing away the doom . . .  
Coiled openly, unseen, heptagrams warning of potency and spell, that would enslave in rapture the choice of prey, bringing succor and warmth, in the ending hours . . . 
Paralysis laying out conscious eyes as clear stretching juices moisten the rigid lips of the feast at bay, glands swollen with perfumed sacks of heavenly musk . . . Boa struck.

*All photos and content property of Jack Waldron (photos may not be used without written permission)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rattus Scabies, Brian James & the Texas Bomb!!

By Detroit Jack, Phallus Press Writer - Sun. June 17, 12:00 am TT
Photos by Detroit Jack

Oh, the humanity!!  Heads hung in disbelief as the Colossus Rat spread Scabies over Texas.  Overcome and disillusioned, mass burials overwhelmed the Damned.
The Legend Story tells of the return of Karni Mata the hindu rat goddess who vowed to return to earth as a colossus rat and lay waist to the human scourge that had ravaged the land in their quest for immortality.
Prior exposure to a like event has never been recorded in the annals of history, thus were the condemned left to fend for their land, their customs and the souls.
The wondrous rhythms lead the unsuspected down a path with no Looking Back, as the past had been erased from the minds of the entranced mass.
Escape was not an option, as the pipes of the Pied Piper were turned on the human dredge by the god Typhoeus, leaving a trail of corpses circumventing the globe.
Sick Of Being Sick forced those who could not endure to take themselves off to the nothingness where they were promised they would no longer Feel The Pain.
Though relegated such a reprieve, the gods and goddess were Born To Kill, and for them, no compassion nor sympathy could be spared on the Problem Child known as humanity.
In the end of times there could be no understanding of Being and Time, as all had been built on the myth of MCMLXX.
Detroit Jack translates for the Rat Scabies/Brian James interview for Old Fashion Punk Magazine . . . for which there were no Vaccines!!

*All photos and content property of Jack Waldron (photos may not be used without written permission)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Latent Atomic Residue Beyond Wonka Suplex!!!

By Detroit Jack, Phallus Press Writer - Sat. April 7, 1:04 am TT
Photos by Detroit Jack

Latent Atomic Residue (LAR) spread beyond the Wonka Suplex via a newly shattered glass tower, replicating the Sexplex of forty years past, unleashing a Baby Love terror on the unsuspecting Dasein of East Shinjuku.

The propagation of the Atomic dread, known as the Heavysick, had long been relegated to the past as the only human catastrophe to ever come forth from the wild creations within the Wonka Suplex.

Some forty years ago, the Wonka Atomic Suplex gave inertia to the revolutionary Wonkavator, which travelled in any direction to any location worldwide.

The cutting edge technology of the Atomic Suplex could even capture The Volume Out, referring to all of the energy released by the Wonkavator, capturing it, and suplexing its atomic molecules for reuse.

It was during the maiden voyage that the Great Mongoose (referring to the atomic molecule capturing unit) disintegrated, thus causing the original LAR release.

Called in to do the original clean-up operation, the Minnesota VooDoo Men brigade, the Umpa Lumpa manned division tasked with the most dangerous Wonkapations, successfully magnetized the wayward particles into an atomic cloud known as a Danger Danger.

While contained and returned to the Atomic Suplex, the radiant damage had already been done. Having affected the hormonal drives of the male species, thus causing pheremone levels to increase one-hundred fold, the female species multiplied that effect by one-thousand.

As had occurred some forty years prior, the Heavysick spread last Saturday night. Miwa Females were witnessed ripping off their tops in mad frenzied spotting of their male counterparts.

In the early morning hours it was every man for himself and, all a man could do to thwart being taken, tied, molested and left to lay in wait for the next attack.

Damn you Willy Wonka all to HELL!!

*All photos and content property of Jack Waldron (photos may not be used without written permission)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Droid Bats In The Belfry . . .

By Detroit Jack, Phallus Press Writer - Sat March 11, 11:43 pm TT
Photos by Detroit Jack

Brushing hardened steel shoulders as we ascended the darkened well, one could not assess the features behind the direct gazes of the android beings as they passed.

Winds bristled our locks with the sounds of deeper intent as we neared the light that focused our gaze as we climbed.

Breaking the proscenium seemed a sacrilegious act, though few attempts garnered a following, theee Bat laid waste to any forbidden sacrament.

Flaying into the unsuspecting punters, leveling them at their knees with the thuds of meat on anvils, the mutant Android Beach Party was just getting under way.

With Chants of R&B, theee Bat pulled at the breast strings of scantily clad droids, who unwittingly bargained with the flutters of night in hopes of andraulic regeneration.

Droplets of sulfuric damage speckled the floor of fangs that lapped their mouths at the toes of leaking droids as the frenzy ensued.

*All photos and content property of Jack Waldron (photos may not be used without written permission)